Mar 1, 2010

Always Be There - Maher Zain

Posted by Nisa' Selangor at 12:20 PM

Always Be There (Writer: Thanks Allah!)


If you ask me about Allah

And what I know about it

I'll answer will be....

It's everything about Allah

The pure love to our soul

Who have created you and me,

The heaven and whole universe

The One that made us hold and free

The Guardian of His True believers

So when the time gets hard

There's no way to turn

As He promises to you

He'll always be there

To bless us with His love and His mercy coz

As He promises to you

He'll always be there

He's always watching us, guiding us

And He knows what's in our little heart

So when you lose your way to Allah

You should turn

As He promises to you

He'll always be there...

Colud bring the sun from the darkness

Into the light


Capable of everything

Should never feel afraid of anyhting

As long as we follow His guidance

All the way through a short time

We have in this life

Soon it'll all be over

And we'll be in His heaven

And we'll be fined

So when the time gets hard

There's no way to turn

As He promises to you

He'll always be there

To bless us with His love and His mercy coz

As He promises to you

He'll always be there

He's always watching us, guiding us

And He knows what's in our litlle heart

So when you lose your way to Allah

You should turn

As He promises to you

He'll always be there...



Anonymous said...

subhanallah..lagu ni mmg bes giler!! said...

sungguh! benar! Allah penyelesai masalah. Yakinlah!

"..So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you
He'll always be there..."


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Sape kate hampas kopi useless? Eh eh..korg jgn buang dulu hampas tu. Ia amat brguna utk mndapatkn wajah/kulit yg halus & bersih. Caranya, ambil hampas trsebut & tonyoh kt muka selama 10 min. Kemudian cuci dgn air bersih + selawat + doa penerang hati. Boleh amalkn setiap pg. Insyaallah licin & segar. Org pun sedap memandang. Boleh try sbg scrub bdn juga..(yg ini sy belum prnh try.sape2 yg prnh try,leh share keberjayaannya.hehee). Sy prnh cuba ms skolah dulu tp kt tgn la..(terkebetulan). Member skolh tegur tgn sy halus. Sy pelik jg sbb sy mmg x pakai lotion apa2. Just share dgn mereka, ramas2 la dgn hampas kopi. Nnt licin r...hehee... Kirenye ini backup utk cover line la klu mak mertua pelik tgn kta halus...hahaa..(pecah rahsia aku!!) kihkihh :) Slamat mencuba! ;)

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